Thanks Europe…
I have to say I’ve had an amazing time over the last few weeks in Europe. Each of the countries we visited had their own beauty and lovely cities but one thing remained the same… the crowds who were amazing.
Being based in America it can make it much harder than we would like to play around the world but rest assured when we can we do!
The band are on fire at the moment and I think I’m playing as well as I ever had so it’s quite hard to pick out a highlight but if you really pushed me I suppose I’d have to say having my long time pal Duff jump up to jam ‘Love Removal Machine’ with us in Prague… and he even played guitar rather than him trusty bass!

South American Love…
There’s no more Cult shows now until September when we head on down to South America to play some in Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. It’s been 6 years since we got down that way (apart from the two shows with GnR in Mexico last year) so we’re expecting some wild nights. We know there’s a lot of love for us in those countries as this street art from São Paulo shows!
Many of you will know that in my teens I was friends with Steven Morrissey, playing in a band with him for a while and even introducing him to another mate of mine Johnny Marr. So, I was really pleased to be asked to be involved in the research for the brand new film about Morrissey’s life before the Smiths. I’m also portrayed as one of the characters in the film!
I’m going to tell my part in the story of the ‘England is Mine’ on my website soon but in the meantime here’s the trailer for the film which is released on August 4th
Men in Camo Jackets
Another film that I feel privileged to be included in is ‘Man in a Camo Jacket’ feature length documentary which has just been released. It tells the story of one of my best pals Mike Peters, his rise to fame with the Alarm, his battle with cancer and his amazing work with his charity ‘Love Hope Strength’. I’m in it as a ‘talking head’ and also appear on one of the tracks on the soundtrack along with Mike and another of our good buddies Slim Jim Phantom.
Watch the trailer for MAN IN THE CAMO JACKET
Miniature BD White Falcons
You’ll soon be able to get your own Billy Duffy Gretsch White Falcon… only in miniature!
They are hand made in wood with tiny accessories and coming very soon as a limited edition to my online store. I’ll be signing them and there will also be a Numbered Collector’s Edition with a Signed Photo too!
Keep following for more info…

New BD Pick Pendant
After the recent release of the BD solid silver guitar pick pendant we realized that some people would prefer something a bit bigger and heavier (and more affordable). So, we’ve made these pewter ones in an antique finish that feature a double-sided design. One side is an embossed BD silhouette logo and the other is my signature embossed the same as on the metal plate on the headstock of my White Falcon. They come on an adjustable waxed cord fastening in a black velvet drawstring bag.
They’ll also be launching soon from the BD store…
We also still have a very small amount of the Solid Silver ones available now if you are quick…
Shop BD Logo Silver Pick Pendant & Chain
I’m back in England now for a few days… seeing family and friends, doing a bit of billyduffy.com business and hopefully getting a bit of rest!
billy x