“Just a quick update. With less than a couple of weeks to go before we kick off ‘Electric 13’ in San Diego I’ve been hard at work with the guys on getting ready for the tour.
We stared of rehearsals as a trio with me, Chris and Johnny as we felt like we just wanted to get a bit of the rust off as we haven’t played together for a while. Obviously ‘Electric’ is very much a two guitar album, one rhythm and one lead so with Mike moving on we’ve decided to welcome back James Stevenson back into the fold to play rhythm for the tour. As a Cult alumni of 94/5 James was the obvious choice.
The plan is to play the ‘Electric’ album in order then break and play a bunch of other stuff from the other eras, similar to the ‘Love Live’ tour from a few years back. I’ve really enjoyed playing ‘Bad Fun’, ‘King Contrary Man’ and ‘Electric Ocean’ again as its been a while. There’s moments when it’s really exciting and that’s really cool.
It will be interesting to see how ‘Memphis Hip Shake’ goes down as it will end that first section of the set as it sounds really good but it’s not your traditional set ending song. But then Black Angel ended the ‘Love Live’ set really well.
So hope to see you soon on the tour and keep checking back as we’ve got a fantastic competition coming soon exclusive to billyduffy.com”
Billy x